Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Divinity , in search of this feelingś depth in the journey of my life, i have come across the different situational meanings and outcomes of it via different people. The varying results not only puzzled me but kept me restless and made me to swim in to the core of that deep sea.

Being born and brought up in a small town called Guruvayur, a pilgrimage place of Godś own country which is otherwise known as Kerala, I grew up seeing the crowded temple and its busy passages, the pious green temple pond, even the tender breeze there chants the Krishna nama. Everyday it looks like a new place with new faces as the devotees rush endlessly for that one dharshan of the ultimate power, the lord Guruvayurappan. Spending my beautiful 25 years of my life there, despite of the fact, unfortunately I saw the true devotion and divinity in a few eyes only nor it reflected in everyones traits and deeds. It is not only the case pertaining to a single place, its what I see almost everywhere I go . And this is what the fact is and people are taking this pious feeling as a tool for their survival and growth which has made it as a relative term. In fact it has become a source to achieve one or the other purpose of him. Going to Temples, Churches and Mosques with an outer showcase of devotion and an inner motive of serving oneś purpose is not actually a divinity, which I started realizing through meeting different people from different circumstances and places.

In the midst of my mysterious search of it, one of the prominent fact I felt is that its nothing but the search of our Self and its divine outcome in the form of Happiness through which we at times realizes the true Heaven is here, on the Earth.

Divinity and Devotion has become a weapon for him, the man, that serves his purposes. It is this puzzle that frequently wanders around me. In fact why we men are like this? The answer is still a mystery. While aiming towards his greeds, I would rather quote so, than needs, his blind eyes ignores the actual sources and factors of his material growth on the power of his super ego, which are nothing, but his relationship with himself and his co-men. He fails to make out his real aim of life and rather himself .

Men, in his extreme heights of his pampered life, if take a bit of his time to analyze his Self and his karmas or deeds, I feel it is this point where he meets with his ultimate door to the success and the path to the Heaven on Earth, the eternal bliss or ultimate happiness. Since that is the true purpose of life . According to the old belief of we, the Indians, the moksha or the heaven is attained when we dedicate our Complete Self to the almighty. But visiting all the pilgrimages with a material intention, as I said earlier, is not the way for it, but knowing the real you which exists within your consciousness should be oneś ultimate aim.

Keeping aside the material happiness for a while , have we ever asked ourselves that whether we have ever felt that eternal bliss or ultimate happiness at least once in our lifetime. At least once we have made ourselves proud of something. Happiness is not exactly what we come across when we go for a party or having a blast. Of course, it has its pleasure and joy, but its time for us to realize that its only a temporary relief or just a pearl in the vast ocean of happiness . Many times we see people around us seek happiness through this sort of material ways of pleasures , which in fact they are putting a beautiful mask of artificial happiness on their faces and hiding their true self from others. But in actual aspect they are cheating themselves, their ethics and morals. Some others misuses his monetary powers ignoring the ethical values of it merely for the so called happiness and success. The question arises here, are they really getting what they sought for? Eventually they ruin themselves in the path of their lifeś journey by ignoring their well wishers , valuable relationship bonds and other factors of his growth. Here they fail to realize that their Super Ego has dominated their thoughts and deeds. Its hands tied their vision with the darkness of material happiness like money, fame and power, in fact, Greed.

Success for him , in this money dominated society , where the people are measured by means of possession of money, is nothing but achieving the same through any means, yes ,it can be any means no matter whoever being suffered and sacrificed in the mid- path of his aim , even if its his own people, it has no affect on his will to achieve the monetary success.

In fact , monetary success or any kind of success in life is not achieved by this way. The right way of living is that when the achievement or success, though material or immaterial , made through a humble living , where we help others without seeking anything from them and loving and caring our co-men and valuing and knowing the true meaning of life. Challenges in life are natural out are bound to face as a human being in our lifetime. But coming out of that situational trauma and facing it boldly in an optimistic way gives us more value and fame in life among our co-men and its not achieved through mere material success, which is always mistaken by us. As material success will give instant happiness but it life is too short whereas the success or the eternal happiness achieved through knowing our Self and our deeds or karmas , it lasts for ever and that is what a true legendary is and when it is done for others, rather than satisfying our ego, when you eventually look back you feel fully satisfied and happy by all the ways in this lifetime without leaving any complaints behind. In fact, Its actually in this point you realize that you are visualizing and touching the Heaven on Earth. This indeed leads you to a happy and peaceful living.

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